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Senior Elk Cup League 2025

The “ Men's Senior Elk Cup” League start date is June 5th, 2025.

There will be a Game of the Day each Thursday morning.

There will be a $5 optional entry each week to participate in the Game’s day money.

Tee times will run from 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM.

On the final week, ALL of the League members will have a chance to play for the “Senior Elk Cup”. There will also be an “End of the Season” banquet following play.

The League fee is $50 per player for the season.

 The League plays every Thursday from June to August.

To sign up or if you have questions, please email CodiW@GrandElk.com or AlexR@GrandElk.com 



Women's Wednesday Golf League 2025

The women’s golf league start date is June 4th, 2025.

There will be a Game of the Day each Wednesday morning.

There will be a $5 optional entry each week to participate in the money game of the week.

Tee times will run from 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM.

On the final week, all of the league members will have a chance to play for the “Women’s Elk Cup”. There will also be an “End of the Season” banquet following play.

The League fee is $40 per player for the season.

The League plays every Wednesday from June to August.

To sign up or if you have questions, please email CodiW@GrandElk.com or AlexR@GrandElk.com